John Onyekachi
5 min readFeb 28, 2022


Some people are yet to understand or even grasp the latent power of the human mind.

Some people do not realise that their mind has the power to make or break them.

The mind has the power to determine how far or high a person can go or rise in life.

The mind is actually the greatest asset of every human being.

Please understand that God has created every human being with a powerful mind capable of anything.

He (God) has given everyone a mind capable of attaining any level of success possible.

In writing to Timothy, Paul said to him, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of A SOUND MIND” (2 Timothy 1:7 emphasis mine).

Each one of us has been specially gifted with a sound mind by God, but what we do with it is left to us to decide.

Many people lived their entire life without even tapping into the power of their minds.

God hasn’t created anyone to be a robot. He created every one of us with an independent mind capable of the highest possible success.

Your mind is the doorway to your life. It is the real battlefield where the wars of life are first fought.

You either win or lose first in your mind.

This is why it is so important. What becomes of your life is determined first in your mind.

Even the Bible affirms that a person’s life is the result of his thinking.

Your mind is extremely important to God: please do all you can to develop it.

You will be the one to benefit more.

The human being is essentially a spirit composed of a soul and body.

Simply put, you are a spirit; you have a soul and you live in a body.

Your spirit is the real you. Your soul is the part of you composed of your mind, will and emotions while your body is the vessel that houses your spirit and soul. It is the physical you.

The mind is the intellectual faculty of the human person. It is the centre for critical analysis and evaluation of information.

It is the centre for reasoning and all intellectual activity. It is the decision-making centre of the human person and the hub for creative and innovative ideas.

Inspirations in your spirit and information gathered through your physical senses must be sent or submitted to your mind for critical analysis and proper evaluation before any action can be taken.

I call the mind the human administrative centre.

How much the mind is able to carry out its functions is largely dependent on the level to which it has been developed to analyze and interpret signals or information.

The mind is developed through education.

You must consciously develop your mind through proper, deliberate and intentional education.

The mind must be subjected to constant learning, relearning and unlearning.

The Bible calls this the renewal of the mind.

Writing to the saints in Rome, Paul admonished them not to be “CONFORMED to this world: but be ye TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2).

The word ‘conformed’ is the Greek ‘suschēmatizō’. It means to fashion alike, that is, conform to the same pattern.

So, Paul writes to the saints not to be fashioned alike or conformed to the same pattern as the world or society in which they live.

They were to be ‘transformed’ [changed, transfigured, transformed (Greek- metamorphoo)]̄.

And how were they supposed to do that?

He said it has to be by “the RENEWING (anakainōsis- renovation or refurbishing) of your mind.”

The mind has to be renewed (renovated or refurbished).

How do you renovate a building or refurbish a piece of furniture?

You do it by means of repairs, redecoration or remodelling.

This is exactly what you must do to your mind. And you must do it through proper and intentional education and re-education.

Your mind must constantly and consistently go through learning and relearning.

Even God is limited in your life by your mental disposition.

There is a level you can never access in God unless your mind permits it, and your mind cannot permit or allow it if it is incapable of understanding it.

God works through your mind too. When yielded to God, it can be a very powerful tool in His hands.

So, develop your mind so that it can accommodate the greatness that God has prepared for you.

Even the visions in your heart will be greatly limited if your mind is not developed properly.

The mind is designed to see with pictures. It automatically converts information and signals to pictures.

Every human activity is controlled by the mind. Your perception, imaginations, responses, actions and judgements are all controlled by your mind.

This is why your mind is such a powerful and indispensable asset.

It is so important to God that He can almost not do without it.

Invest in the development of your mind. Leverage its unlimited power and become all that you were created to be.

The only limit to your life is that created or allowed in/by your mind.

Your mind is important to God: develop it.

It determines how far or to what extent you can go in life.

It is your responsibility to develop your mind; no one can do it for you.

Read books, attend seminars, learn a skill, etc.

By all means, ensure you are constantly and deliberately investing in yourself mentally.

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John Onyekachi

Pastor | Author Welcome Aboard | The Holy Spirit series | The Culture of Our Kingdom | The Business of Our Kingdom | The Widom of Faith